Property info:

Location: Brooklyn, NY

Type: Residential (Brownstone)

Owes: 450K

Value: $800k and up. (45-50% equity or more)

Situation: Reverse mortgage note is due


Client situation:

Son of deceased cannot qualify for financing but wants his friend to take on a mortgage for the money owed.  The friend owns a bar/lounge in Brooklyn, NY as well.

Will to put down up to 10%.

Please contact me only if you can provide this financing.

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Darren,

Do you have a Executive Summary for this project. 

Please contact me, 480-788-1834

Lionel Ward

Hi Darren,

My partner is based in NY and we are interested in potentially doing the deal, but we need additional information in order for us to due our due diligence. Please have the following form completed in order to provide us with additional information.

Normalina Martin, Private Lender / Distressed Asset Specialist / Real Estate Broker


We finance loans at 2% interest:Contact for more info with: 1.Full Name: 2.Sex: 3.Age: 4.Phone: 5.Country: 6.Loan Amount needed 7.Duration: 8.Monthly Income: 9.Occupation:Our email address is


We finance loans at 2% interest:Contact for more info with: 1.Full Name: 2.Sex: 3.Age: 4.Phone: 5.Country: 6.Loan Amount needed 7.Duration: 8.Monthly Income: 9.Occupation:Our email address is

Loans will be given out to any person, group of persons, companies and corporate organisation that has the genuine proof of identification and repayment at 5% interest rate on the first 5years. Interested persons should reach me on my personal email

I am sorry. I ask the loan

I beg you. Help. The father in resuscitation. Operation is necessary. A brain tumour.

The help is necessary. I ask about the help.

I ask help 20 thousand dollars for one month. Pledge my apartment. Under percent.

I the fair person.

I BEG YOU. FOR GOD'S SAKE. Help. I will return. I swear.

Help I ask.

I will return at once with percent.

I wait.

Kostylev Alexander.

Kostylev Alexander.
Russia. 660,062. Krasnoyarsk.
Street Visotnay 2. str 1. room 418.
My private phone no: +79631818912
My private fax no: +7 (391) 2478387
Occupation: Adviser.
Age: 34 year
Sex: Male.
Skype; Alekskkost5

 My name is Felix and I am a Finance Specialist. We can help you.
Call my partner Courtney Lawrence and she will talk to you about the kinds of funds we provide. Also go to our website. For any questions please to hesitate to reach us.
Courtney Lawrence:
Phone:  (949) 777-5509 | Fax:   (949) 309-2731

International Investment banking group providing 100% funding either debt or equity or combination worldwide! We fund based on the project strength not LTV or LTC.   We are interested in the Energy, Technology, Mining, Real Estate and Business sectors. 30 year proven track record!  

We offer terms that are bank rate or better. No front fees. Principals must cover third party cost prior to closing. Our market is domestic and international. Replies private or contact me directly. We will need an executive summary with proforma or actual income statement for 3-5 years, use of funds statement and exit strategy showing timeline for repayment along with bio/resume of Principal and their team.

We provide funding for the borrower’s capital request in the form of debt, equity or a combination and allow all documented expense and fees paid by the borrower to be stacked on top of the funds requested.  We can offer a moratorium on payments until the project is stabilized and cash flowing if the timeline to stabilization is reasonable. 


To start we need a mutual NDA completed, executed and returned by all parties to the project.  Additionally, once we know the sector of the funding request i.e. Energy, Technology, Mining, Real Estate or Business we will provide a questionnaire that must be answered in detail and return which helps to access risk factors and determine our interest.   We are fully transparent and provide all the information for principal to make an intelligent decision on doing business with us.  If the project has merit with strong principals, a very good plan, the principal has enough liquidity to support their project and are honest and cooperative we have an interest and can normally get them through our in-house underwriting to funding.


Required Documentation: (for submission)

The following documents will be necessary to successfully underwrite and fund your project:

  • Business Plan or Executive Summary with actual or proforma income statements 3 -5 years
  • Balance Sheet/Financial Statement/Cash Flow/P & L with YTD less than 90 days old (if applicable)
  • Copy of Appraisal or other valuation (if available)
  • Expanded Resumes of all principals
  • Line Item Detailed Use of Funds for short-term and long-term projections
  • Proof of funds spent to date in the project and 2 month bank statements showing reserves

 We will need you to show proof of funds invested to date in the project (if applicable), liquidity (cash in hand) to pay for third party expenses which includes an application and due diligence and engagement charge.  This is not upfront but after they receive an expression of interest in writing from the lender and after a call and information provided on the lender for their due diligence. 


Client will need minimum of 680-720 credit score.  Our LTV is 80% - 90%; Terms are 5, 7, 10, 15 or 20 years; Interest is bank rate or better (we are not a hard money lender).  Normal timeline to close is 30-45 days but is client dependent.


(The following remark is not intended to offend but stated because of so many request from those who believe that all cost can be paid from closing proceeds):

 “If there are no funds available to cover project cost and principals expects the lender to pay the necessary cost to determine if the project is lendable, close and fund the project and get their expenses from the loan proceeds then no one I know of can help you.”   I have 27 years experience in this industry and have never seen that happen with lenders in the US, Western Europe or anywhere else.


Ron Coleman


770-572-7765  nepcoinc1 -Skype

We can help you with the loan. We offer personal, company and business
loans to individuals and companies in severe need. Apply now and get
your financial problems solved. The interest rate is 3% yearly.
Contact us via e-mail:

I repeat,,,, Evergreen Home Loan has never heard of a Mark Luke 

pass him personal info at your own risk ,,,

Hi Darren:

I may be able to help in your funding. Please give me a call 603-560-4398 Prime-Time Financial Consultants

Ann O'Rourke


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