The first and most important document you need to have right now is a conditional letter of intent [LOI] from an "A" rated or higher international funding source. This LOI is generated because you don't have the collateral the bank requires. Please Understand: They require collateral to shield them from your ‘potential’ failure to operate the project profitability. In other words:  If you did have their required collateral; then, they would gladly fund the project. This is when and where we step in providing them with their required collateral.  


Very importantly; and by international banking law, we cannot get involved with your project prior to you getting the LOI from an "A" rated (or better) international funding source, written on their letterhead, and signed by an officer of that “A” rated (or better) international funding source. 

Review the procedure in the attachment. 

James W. Peterson


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Funding procedure added.

Came across your post and would like to know jut how your program works.

I need to have your email. 

It is


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