This is an opportunity for 100% ROI, on $2MM in 24 months, at 23% LTV, secured by 8.7MM in Brazilian real estate assets. 

The development is a 184 unit luxury condo project, on the last developable piece of land on a scenic hill overlooking the best beach in one of the highest tourist areas of Brazil. The team has a European developer and ownership of the best Real Estate Firm in the area. They are looking for $2MM, which demonstrates only 15% of the $16MM development budget, when added to the developer's $1MM already invested. They have already been approved for 90% financing with the largest state owned government bank, which requires them to show 15%. There is approximately $8 million worth of clear title property being offered as security. Of the $2MM, $300K is needed to purchase the already approved permits, which will enable pre-sales. If necessary, they are willing to further secure the $300K with the developer's $700K worth of Brazilian condos in the same area that'll be more liquid than the land, if necessary. Once the permits are purchased, pre-sales will commence. There are already 30 reservations, which alone will be over $2.4MM when closed; 16 of those reservations are expected to close immediately. They are willing to leverage all draws, and only drawn upon funds from the lender's Brazilian legal escrow account as presales have been demonstrated and the lender has reached a comfort level that is satisfactory. If the developer is not meeting construction deadlines, the bank will appoint another builder to complete the job. The reason they are looking for an investor is because they want to complete this project asap to take advantage of the upcoming purchasing season, rather than waiting for the ability to finance this project with their other current projects. In addition, they want to establish a relationship with an investor partner for their future construction projects. The firm's 3 current projects under construction are all sold out, and all were financed with this same bank and same financing structure.

As you know, massive oil discoveries, clean energy innovations, the 2014 World Cup & 2016 World Olympics are all economic stimulants which will increase real estate investor's profits in Brazil over the next several years. This deal is attractive to any international investor because it combines overkill collateral in a lucrative region. 

If you are a direct lender who is interested in evaluating an opportunity to make a secure investment in a hot Brazilian market, please email me cyle (at)

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Mr Cyle Williams

Good afternoon

I am sorry for anxiety and I ask you, please not to hold on me is malicious.

At my father a brain tumour. The heavy form. In a frontal part of a head.

At mum severe pains in hands. After explosion of a cylinder with the prosir, 4 years ago. A burn of 80 % of a body.

I ask the loan in 580 000$. For 10 years. Under any annual percent which will suit you.

If can help, write to me, some words, on my mail. +79631818912. My phone number.

If can help, or tell where I can address for the help, I will be glad, and is ready to give you all documents on check.

I will give, my passports, under the diagnosis of the father. The document on apartment, as guarantees and a full package of documents.

I ask the help. I the fair person also am ready to pay monthly with percent.

As, I want to finish to your data. If you work in the Exchange Currency market interests, I can offer cooperation with the Swiss Broker Bank and the Large Exchange company. On a choice. Very good income, of your investments. Rather quiet both correct work, and the good income. If will wish, I can help at first to exclude what or losses. If the help constantly is necessary, I can find time and work with you. There is nothing in exchange I do not demand. There is nothing from you to me it is not necessary.
I ask only if can help the loan and assist in a loan, for treatment of parents, it and will be your gratitude to me. I will help you in exchange, to receive the good income.

Thanks also forgive, if I have disturbed you. Do not hold harm on me.

I expect your answer.

Kostylev Alexander.
Russia. 660062. Krasnoyarsk.
Street Visotnay 2. str 1. room 418.
My private phone no: +79631818912
My private fax no: +7(391) 2478387
Occupation: Adviser.
Age: 34 year
Sex: Male.
Skype; Alekskkost5

Bank information.

Alexander Kostylev
655600. Khakassia Republic. Sayanogorsk. Southern microdistrict. The house 1, apartment 58.
ZAO RaiffeisenBank
№ 40817840007000010838
17/1Troitskaya, Moscow, 129090, Russia.

Correspondent bank
№ 3582021665001
Standart Chartered Bank of New York
FEDWIRE NO: 026002561

I beg help. The help is necessary to me.

Kostylev Alexander.


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