Funding needed for property development in South Africa 15 ROI over 12 Months


Development opportunity in the property industry here in South Africa on the South Western Cape coast.

I am looking for an investor that has deep pockets.!!

If this is you, then I would like to hear from you.

The banks have recently liquidated a construction development type of company.

The company was busy with a security estate property development

The deal value is R6’500’000 (six million five hundred thousand rand). (about $570000)

There is a further development costs of R9’500’000 (nine million five hundred thousand rand). (about $830000)

In total $ 1'500'000 funding needed.

This is 35502 m² of vacant land in the form of three separate title deeds.

The preliminary research and costing for the acquisition and development has already been completed.

The time frame to completion is between 8 to 12 Months with a return of 14%

The liquidators are looking for an unconditional offer, as they want to put this thing to bed as fast as possible.

Please let me know if you are interested so I can send you further information.

Thanks Andy

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Hi ,
I Represent a DIRECT FUNDED (Private JV Equity Firm) in NYC. I offer Virtually 100% Funding, in trade of a 6% "Refundable" Deposit from Client. Which is held in a U.S. Bona Fide JOINT Escrow Acct, that is held until final drawdown if the Funding process. In trade we take a JV Stake in the Project,for up to 36monts ,or until you buy us out. NO PAYMENTS,NO INTEREST,FOR THE ENTIRE TERM. We Are JV Equity Partners. We can close in 4-6 weeks with , only exec,plan,Experience, 6% DP refundable funding Deposit.
NO Credit,NO 6 month bank statements,NO Tax Returns, required ,accept to verify 3 day verification of the 6% funds. We Fund Min of $1M- NO LIMIT IN 4-6 weeks
Please contact me to discuss your funding needs ASAP.


Matt Picone


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