Looking for financing opportunities for western europe based manufactories.

Financing is for extension of production capacities and further international expansion.

Companies are not start-ups, but established since decades. 


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thx for reacting

tell us more about your opportunities, and supply verifiable references

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Please explain accordingly.




we do international loans over $20,000,000 USD . You will need to have a % of CASH to add to project .We do not do %100 loans. So if you meet the criteria please let me know and will send you info.

jim flynn



We provide creative, fast and fair funding for your worldwide commercial projects.  We lend up to 95%, charge no upfront fees, respond and fund quickly.  Minimum loan $10 million US. Co-brokers are protected and paid.  www.WorldwideCommercialFunding.com or email me at LisaArltEscoto@Gmail.com

ps  I emailed you directly as well


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