Need fast hard money loan on unique property in NY.  Former Atlas missile site renovated to be luxury home.  200 acres for further development. Private air strip on land.  Will be part of luxury vacation home club.  Need $1 million

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I might be able to assist.

David Kindopp ~ Independent Mortgage Broker             

Private money/hard money for 15 years ~

4% and 5% (quasi-institutional) money for quality commercial projects    


voice: 916-222-5687  fax: 916-644-6278


$75,000 to $5,000,000 ~ or more 

(as low as $30,000 in California)




David Kindopp is a scam. He also has profiles under the name Jason Dillard

Hi David:

 Are you still in need of funding? I noticed this post is dated back November 27, 2012. If so I can assist you. Please give me a call.

Ann O'Rourke



We can do 75% LTV for you. contact me at

Jeffrey B. Freis Associates, Inc. is a private investment bank with an active real estate finance division. Send me the details and we will respond immediately.

Jeffrey B. Freis, President
Jeffrey B. Freis Associates, Inc.
Tel: 914 967-9235
Fax:914 798-6670

Jeffrey B. Freis Associates, Inc. its affiliates and principals are not a United States Securities Dealer nor Broker nor US Investment Adviser.  Jeffrey B. Freis Associates, Inc. its affiliates and principals is a Consulting Firm. All Emails and related correspondence are never to be considered a solicitation for any purpose in any form or content. We do not intend to, nor do we, provide investment advice or counsel to any particular transaction. 

I offer wide range of financial services to interested customer seeking loan to finance their expenses. My service is due at a very low & minimum rate of 5% to suit your needs. If you need a quick loan get back to me ASAP.


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