Looking for international financing or an international loan, we can leverage our established network and strategic relationships to get the job done for you. We never charge any upfront costs!!

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Do you have a website?

Good day David and glad to see you are in Canada.

I have some projects that need funding... please get back to me and we can set up a meeting online or at a Timmy's?? hahah

kevin@peaksgci.com and hope to hear from you soon with your requirements for 100% funding of real estate and building funding!

HI David,

Pls send details to kiranreddy.sagam@gmail.com

Need USD 5 M for a new retail building with 10 years lease contract which give us 9 percent PA.
Answere to ma_bergstrom@telia.com


Do you have an email address I can write to please. Do not like to discuss business in open forum. UK based company.

David MacCallum


Hi ,

Do you help for investment requirements in bangalore,india.
If yes, please let me know the procedure on kiranreddy.sagam@gmail.com


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