Seeking Private Lenders for residental wholesaling niche in Central Florida.

Residential Wholesaler in Central FL doing multiple deals per month purchasing and resaling under market value desires to build profitable relationships with Private Lenders.

An experienced team working in this specialty niche has been assembled to ensure efficiency throughout the process.

Automated marketing systems are in place using proven marketing strategies.

Looking for up to 100% funding from one day up to longer for selected rehab deals.

Ideal scenario would be no points, no monthly payments; 12% interest, repayment on date of B to C sale.

Open to ideas and suggestions...

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Our joint venture funding for residential fix & flip may be suitable.  Contact me at 
Include reference to your post and phone number and I'll send guidelines.

Jeffrey B. Freis Associates, Inc is a private investment bank with an active real estate finance division. Contact me to discuss your financing needs.

Jeffrey B. Freis, President
Jeffrey B. Freis Associates, Inc.
Tel: 914 967-9235
Fax:914 798-6670


We have access to a private investment group who will  JV partner with you and put up 100% of the money for quick flip (6 months or less) single family deals, from $100 K to $700 K, up to 65% of ARV, and split profits 50-50.

No cash down needed
No earnest money needed
No credit needed
No monthly payments
No Loans to repay

For more information go to :

Jason Hooks


Dear Sir,
I can deliver leased instruments to Organisations or individuals with their preferred text verbiage as been approved by their bankers. We also offer sales option to interested buyers. Our terms and procedures are so flexible and workable by RWA clients. Our lease rate is (5)%+x%. X% IS Lessee broker's Commission and he determines his commission. Also we have facilities to discount BG and Put you into PPP Trading.
Contact me through this email:(,,, or through skype: (stangolva) in other to furnish you with other information.


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