Are you having any loan troubles due to: Poor credit? Recent foreclosure, short sale or bankruptcy? You are self employed and have difficult to prove income? Or what about owning numerous properties and not being able to get a bank loan to buy another investment property as you "have too many already". Any of these apply??
Well, I don't care about any of this and can still fund your Hard Money Loan if you live in Northern California! And you don't have to pay any upfront fees. Yep, that's right, someone honest and long-term in the Hard Money lending business here in Sonoma County, California.
Been at this for 25 years and can lend up to 75% LTV (case by case basis of course) and have Lenders willing to go as low as 8% interest (case by case).
And I finance owner occupied, principal residence purchases too!
Phew, lots of good news how I can save the day with refinancing, your purchase, etc.,etc.,etc.
Call me (707) 523-2099 or email me through my website at
Best, Forest - The Guy in the White Hat
Sun Pacific Mortgage and Real Estate