I am a California Broker with over 28 years experience in real estate and lending. I just offer Hard Money/Private Money loans now. I co-own Sun Pacific Mortgage and Real Estate with my wife. My kids work with me and we are licensed for the entire state of California and we are located in Santa Rosa, California: See our Family Company Website Here
We offer financing for rentals, investment properties - single units and multi units, owner occupied/principal residence, some commercial and some land. Our rates range between 7-13% interest only. We can go up to 75% Loan To Value: See our recently updated Hard Money Rate Sheet
We are looking for more private investors - experienced or new - who are interested in financing jumbo sized real estate loans ($417,000 and above). You of course are the Investor with the money so can decide on your types of loans, areas, etc.
Call me or message me here if interested in becoming and Investor in real estate:
Best, Forest - The Guy in the White Hat
Sun Pacific Mortgage & Real Estate