If there is a way to get your deal funded, I'll find it!

I have been in lending for more than 30 years, have authored 7 finance related manuals, appeared on dozens of talk shows, written a national column in a mortgage newspaper, and closed millions in loans.

My company, JRid Capital Resources, is fully staffed to handle a broad range of loans.  I have a contract attorney and an international accountant on my staff.  We thoroughly pre-underwrite every loan prior to accepting that borrower as a client.  We are in the business of getting things done, not wasting time on deals which are not capable of being approved as presented.  However, our analysis will provide you and your client the necessary feedback to enable you to take the necessary steps in order to gain approval.

Our only goal is to help YOU get deals done.  I have the know-how, the correspondent relationships (and they give references), and the staff you can rely on to make you $.  When needed, I can call senior underwriters at home for answers...over our years of association, we have become friends.  Isn’t that what you are looking for…a source who is the “right” source?  For years I looked for someone like me…and now…I’m the guy I was looking for.  I’ll gladly be the source YOU are looking for as well.

Views: 8681

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Hi Joel

Contact my Office at 281-599-9954 Edward Tuggle Private Funding Placement Consultant. I may be able to help you with your funding request.


I have recently listed on Real Estate Finance. Looks like a good concept, but also appears to be a lot of flakes that have no idea how to structure deals. Excuse my attitude, but I have seen SO many over the years.

Do you have the ability to fund deals in Canada? I am based near Toronto.

Please advise,

Don Rea, IMBA, AMP 



We have a couple of funds we work with who fund both USA and Canada.  I am doing an apartment complex in the USA for a Canadian.  The same fund will also do Canada.  You are welcome to contact me at 719-466-9299 on Monday (I am in the Mountain Time Zone.  I have a conference call at noon Mountain.  Otherwise, just normal business so feel free to contact me to discuss your needs.


Mr. Riddle,

I am looking for $200,000.00 to purchase a turnkey income producing commerical property in Pittsburgh PA. Can you please send me more information to tskutnik@ptd.net. Thank you very much.


Tim Skutnik

Mr. Riddle,

Please contact me at your earliest convenience. I am seeking your professional input to fund a real estate project.

Email : stargazer72003@yahoo.com

Tel; 347-448-4217

Hello There,

  Hope that YOU have had an exciting week !  I have something that has come up and we have to move quickly !  Please let me know if you know anyone willing to do 1 of the 2 proposals ... Of course I can provide more details .. However we will let you decide on which makes the most financial sense for you...
We are purchasing a Gold Mine in Chile ...
As a Lender Loaning 1.5 Mil You will receive  100% return in the investment in 6 months
= USD$3.0 mil.

2-As an investor at 1.5% of the business in 5 years
The 3 mines at " FULL" production
3.000 M/T per day at 4 Grs/MT =12 Kgs per day x25 days of work per month =300 Kgs per month x12
3.6 MT x USD 50.1 million per  M/T at today's price  50.1x3.6=USD$180.000.000.
USD$180.000.000x1.5%=USD$2.7 Mil per year x 5 years= UDS$13.5million 

His return on his USD $1.5 million at 1.5% rate will be of USD$13.5 million in 5 years payable at a rate  of 
USD$ 2.7 mil. per year.

I look forward to your response ...


I have two connections interested in raw gold


Dan Moody  dan@globalpeacepartners.com


We are a bridging/business consultancy based in the UK and looking for fresh lending sources for our clients.

We need around $200m within the next 6 months for clients contracted projects. Mainly short term funding.




I am seeking a 35MM for a ranch acquisition/development 
in addition to further developing Agriculture
We will be adding a healing Center for VETS with PTSD
a Charter School for At Risk Youth and developing additional sources of
revenue that will double as training platforms for both groups

Dan Moody  

Dan, thank you for the opportunity.  Developments of this nature (as I'm sure you already know or are finding out) are extremely difficult to fund in the commercial arena in which I participate.  We work with funds throughout the USA.  Some of our money comes from Wall Street.  The common denominator with all of them is the concern with the amount of $ the borrower has or is willing to put into the project, the ability the project has of repaying the debt, and, the exit strategy.  I support your cause but do not believe I have sources who would be interested in a project of this nature.


Wall Street which has become a major part of the problem
has yet to show serious signs of becoming part of the solution

have gone outside the country  - America cant find money to
deal with its worst problems.

If I didnt have the brightest minds in these areas I wouldn't dare say
this but one is Advisor to the Sec of Cabinet Veterans Affairs  the foremost
MD in the country on PTSD another G3 at the UN on Mass Trauma and
Emotional Healing, another a Chicago Atty with multiple venues for At
Risk Youth another PhD  just emerging from 12 years of R & D in Renewable
Energy.  Another  PhD from John Hopkins.  We are measured by our "net worth"
rather than our true value.

Until the paradigm changes we will see further deterioration in the country.

Thanks for taking the time to reply

Hi Joel,

I have read all the way through this post and I like your responses.  Like you I would much rather talk to the person that is making the decision.  I am a relatively new investor.  I have a SFH in Memphis and  a SFH in Phoenix, both are doing well.  I am looking for investors that are interested in doing fix and flips in Alaska at this time.  I am also looking at the Memphis market as well.  There is a big difference in the two but I like the challenge.  If you are interested in a conversation give me a call 907-982-7442 or email nick@dreamcps.com. 

Thanks for your time Joel, I wish you all the best.



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