Looking for private $$ lenders who'll lend on ARV, not present purchase price

I'm looking for private/hard money lenders who will lend based on ARV (after repaired value), not present purchase price. We are purchasing distressed properties in great neighborhoods in No. CA. We will have $$ in the transactions as well. If this is you, please forward your terms and contact information, thank you.

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Do you have properties lined up already?  What's your typical transaction looking like?  Where in Northern CA?  I see you are in Redding, but are properties there too?  I am not the checkwriter, but I have lenders who will lend based on ARV, but dependent upon location.

Feel free to contact.  Info below.

Jared Rine


209 481 0514

I can help you we are a direct  lender

send me a email : i'll send you our terms

we are in california

Dwayne Watson


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