I am looking for funding for two mid-level hotel projects that will be national flagged properties. Either a first position with strong above market rates or equity participation with a firm buyout. We are interested in any ideas or suggestions. Time is of the essence so if this might fit please respond quickly. Thanks,
Mr. Hollenback,
Can you please email me? I don't know if you're ONLY looking for direct lenders, but the firm I'm with, Global Solutions, has many developed lender relationships and we could possibly help you. We don't claim to do everything, but we can get hotel financing done. Our lenders would not be equity participants though. You don't give much to go on with your posting. If you have a summary of what exactly you're looking for, send it, or get in touch, and I'll send you at the least, what we would need to make sure it's viable. Either way, let me know.
Jared Rine
209 481 0514
Jared, we are a direct lender. Perhaps you can have us look at some of your deals, especially bridge loans over $2mill. Send anything to rolf@avant-capital.com
I am sending you the summary to your email.
Thanks and let me know what you think,
Jared, I sent you the summary at your other email.
Let me know what you think,
We can help you with the loan. We offer personal, company and business loans to individuals and companies in severe need. Apply now and get your financial problems solved. The interest rate is 3% yearly. Contact us via e-mail: vatlfunding07@gmail.com
Hello Jim,
I can help you with your funding needs. I would appreciate it if you could send me more information to financialsecuritysolutions@msn.com. Do you have an executive summary with all the details? All pertinent information will be helpful. I look forward to hearing from you. Have a great weekend.
Sincere regards,
Rachel White
Send an executive summary to rolf@avant-capital.com
Hello Jim - I might be able to assist if your client has some Capital for Reserve...
• Up to 100% project funding
• Real-‐estate, business growth and new business projects • $1 million to $500 million USD per project
• Share in 30% to 40% of net profits, plus 6% interest compounded annually • A passive investor – They do not take an equity position
• Capital provided monthly over 12 to 48 months (No lump sum loans)
• Client must have a minimum of 1% to 10% of capital required for reserve fund
• Generally no due diligence fees
If this might be a fit, I would be happy to try and assist - Linda
Linda King, Owner
Legacy Asset Solutions
407-340-2319 cell EDT
Do you have an Exec. Sum you can send me on the tow hotel projects? Maybe we can assist...
Bob Parsons, VP
Robb Capital Associates
We have our own bridge fund, which can close quickly. Let me know some more details
Thanks Rolf Wicke
We can help you with the loan. We offer personal, company and business
loans to individuals and companies in severe need. Apply now and get
your financial problems solved. The interest rate is 3% yearly.
Contact us via e-mail: vatlfunding@vf.vc
Please email me a summary of your transactions to mdeibel@silo-financial.com. I am a private equity lender out of Stamford, Connecticut and have done several hotel deals. We can close extremely fast.
Max Deibel
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