Real Financial Problems......Real Financial Solutions

Have you been turned down by your banker? If you are looking for a commercial real estate loan or a non-real estate business loan, COMMERCIAL FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS can help. We have financial solutions for all types of loans, in nearly every state, in amounts ranging from $100M to $100MM+.

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Hello There,

  Hope that YOU have had an exciting week !  I have something that has come up and we have to move quickly !  Please let me know if you know anyone willing to do 1 of the 2 proposals ... Of course I can provide more details .. However we will let you decide on which makes the most financial sense for you...
We are purchasing a Gold Mine in Chile ...
As a Lender Loaning 1.5 Mil You will receive  100% return in the investment in 6 months
= USD$3.0 mil.

2-As an investor at 1.5% of the business in 5 years
The 3 mines at " FULL" production
3.000 M/T per day at 4 Grs/MT =12 Kgs per day x25 days of work per month =300 Kgs per month x12
3.6 MT x USD 50.1 million per  M/T at today's price  50.1x3.6=USD$180.000.000.
USD$180.000.000x1.5%=USD$2.7 Mil per year x 5 years= UDS$13.5million 

His return on his USD $1.5 million at 1.5% rate will be of USD$13.5 million in 5 years payable at a rate  of 
USD$ 2.7 mil. per year.

I look forward to your response ...



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