Lenders please respond (NO BROKERS) if you can fund $40m for profitable hotels in New Zealand.

A one page Executive Summary and Business Plan are available.

Straight acquisition that is cash flow positive and profitable from the first day. Profits last year were $3.7m. The Business Plan is about how to double that, while retiring debt in 5 years, and growing the property portfolio.

Special Note I. To all those who wish to send me forms to fill in for construction, oil wells, etc.: PLEASE DON'T.

Special Note II. This is about you lending money to me, not me giving money to you.

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Hello Elizabeth,

i have a Hotel as well to buy for 50 M USD the property is located in Egypt and other one in UAE

Please send me the procedure and your requirement on my email: ahmed@german-house.com

Asalam alaikum,
Regards to your post about possible investment.I wish to bring to your notice my interest to finance the projects because i consider it as a  great business opportunity.
Looking forward for a good working relationship with you.May the peace of Almighty Allah be with you.

Al Zamil

I am an entrepreneur in building and public works in Algeria.
I'm looking for a loan to finance my project (construction of housing on behalf of a French company based in Algeria)
I need cash for housing construction.
I am able to pay monthly or quarterly.
I await your response.

Hi Eric,

Send me your information, I will make the introduction to my lender. Jguada2365@aol.com ( Joanne) We do not have any application forms to fill out. 

We offer the following;
Hard Money Loans
Business Loan.
Debt Consolidation Loan.
Personal Loan.
Business Expansion Loan.
Investments on projects And Lots more..........

Search no further and apply for a loan
Name:............. Contact Address:........ Phone:................. Country:................ Loan:......... Purpose Of Loan........... Loan Duration:............ Sex:....................... Age.................

We are here to be of service to you.
contact us now at

We offer the following;
Hard Money Loans
Business Loan.
Debt Consolidation Loan.
Personal Loan.
Business Expansion Loan.
Investments on projects And Lots more..........

Search no further and apply for a loan
Name:............. Contact Address:........
Phone:................. Country:................
Loan:......... Purpose Of Loan........... Loan
Duration:............ Sex:.......................
Age.................Email Address:.............

We are here to be of service to you.
contact us now at

I'm a strategic referral partner with NYC Commercial Funding Conduit which secures; national and international, recourse and non-recourse, commercial funding for highly qualified borrowers from 100k to no upper limit.


My role is to send out the correct loan worksheet. This needs to be completely and accurately filled out by the borrower. I submit this worksheet to the NYC analyst team for a preliminary funding proposal. If the borrower wishes to proceed to a closing we prepare the Final and Official Funding Offer as issued to us by our selected lender.


NOTE: To this point there is no fee, retainer, due diligence or and other “UP FRONT” costs of any kind. Notice how the borrower pays nothing until after they get their Final and Official Funding Offer as issued to us by our selected lender. It is only at this point that we feel we have earned our $2,500 ($5,000 if international) fee for retaining that selected lender on the borrower’s behalf.


Kindest Regards;

James W. Peterson




I am a Commercial Loan Rep  with Summit Financial & Investment Group. We fund International loans. I would love to take a look at your Executive Summary and Business Plan. Please email me at ncarter@mortgageconsultsonline.com

I am an entrepreneur in building and public works in Algeria.
I'm looking for a loan to finance my project (construction of housing on behalf of a French company based in Algeria)
I need cash for housing construction.
I am able to pay monthly or quarterly.
I await your response.

Do people go to New Zealand? Is there a Starbucks there? Is Zealand one word or two like DREAMLAND!!! 


Play nicely, Chucky, it's a New Year!

Hi Eric; If you have a bankable project see my blog at:


James W. Peterson




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