This is an opportunity to show that you mean it when you say, "thanks for your service,"  and that you mean it in a tangible way.  With your support, we will be able to provide affordable housing units for homeless and other veterans and seniors across the nation.  The benefit to you is the chance to receive an 8 to 1 tax exemption for every dollar contributed to our building program.  In the alternative, if you would prefer simply getting a cash payout instead, that option will be available as well. 


  • The company has already been approved for a $400+million Humanitarian Forgivable Loan to replicate the housing development in other parts of the country.
  • In order to set a closing for the funding, we must be able to show that we can provide a $150m bank guarantee; your contribution will help us achieve that goal.
  • The first project is planned for a 117+acre site in Southern California, which is less than 4 months from a ground breaking.
  • The Humanitarian Forgivable lenders has agreed to also finance other similar development in other parts of the country.  We have identified suitable sites in the Nashville,TN  area, Central Florida and Atlanta, GA.
  • There will be approximately $160.7 million that will be released to the donors at the end of 13 months; in the form of tax deductions or outright cash payments.

For more details about this opportunity, click on this link: 

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You are not looking for any type of funding from lenders are you?

you are looking just investors right


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