We are looking for Capital Partners that want to make a quick and easy $90,000.00 (or more) per week.

We have entered into a business relationship with a company that will provide us with up to 4 Single Family Homes in California (mostly Southern) every business day (when available). These are coming directly from trustee auction sales being held daily. We can purchase these residential homes at 10% to 20% below current BPO. The minimum BPO of a home we will purchase is $400,000.00.
Our plan of action is to purchase these homes and resell them to our existing end buyers.

Here’s the numbers for an example purchase of a SFR with a BPO of $400,000.00.


BPO Value………...............................................$ 400,000
Purchase Price at 20% below current BPO........$ 320,000
Processing Fee to auction company...................... $ 8,000
Total Purchase mount........................................ $ 328,000


BPO Value………..................................................$ 400,000
Sales Price to end buyer.......................................$ 340,000
Total Purchase Amount paid to Seller....(Cost).... $ 328,000
                                                                                $ 12,000
                                                         To Facilitators -$ 6,000
                                                       Profit to Investor $ 6,000

EXAMPLE: Capital needed from investor to purchase 1 house @ $328,000 Total Purchase  $$            ...................................X 5 days per week = $1,640,000/week

ROI to investor per house (selling price @ $340,000) is $6,000
1 house per day x 5 days per week = $30,000

The auction company says we can expect at least 3 – 4 homes per day.

The Appraisal values will range between $400,000 to $1.5 Million.

So, you’re looking at a minimum investment of:

$984,000/day ($328,000 x 3 houses), with an ROI of $18,000/day.
$4,920,000/week ($984,000 x 5 days), with an ROI of $90,000/week.

Please contact us if you’re interested in this great opportunity.

Sam Arthur: 901-473-9364 sam@bulkreowarehouse.com

Darla Edmund: 213-440-7420 darlaedmund@bulkreowarehouse.com

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Good morning. My name is Felix and I am a Finance Specialist. We can help you.
Call my partner Courtney Lawrence and she will talk to you about the kinds of funds we provide. Also go to our website. For any questions please to hesitate to reach us.
Courtney Lawrence:
Phone:  (949) 777-5509 | Fax:   (949) 309-2731

This is George Mallory with Drexel Brothers; www.drexelbrothers.com, nationwide private lenders, we lend on Multifamily (5+ units), mixed-use, office, retail, warehouse, self-storage, auto-service, warehouses, auto repair shops, day care businesses, hotels, motels, SFR, condo, townhomes, 1-4 SFR NOO units, and large SFR portfolio with a non-recourse loan, rates start at 3.5%, term 5-30yrs, based on the prevalent of the project our LTV from 75% to 100% finance. Business plan or a very detail executive summary is needed for underwriting, decisions within 24hrs, No advance fees, funding in 7 days to 45 days.








Have a Powerful Day

George R. Mallory,

VP of Finance, Underwriter

Mobile: 917-653-5215

Fax: 917-591-4601

Email: gmallory@drexelbrothers.com

Website: www.drexelbrothers.com



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