Seeking Lender for Residential Development in Beverly Hills, CA 90210

I am seeking a direct asset based lender for 3 High End Residential projects in Beverly Hills, CA 90210 for loans to $7M. 

Plan: Build an 8,500 SF Residence in Bev. Hills ,CA - ARV = $7.5M

Requirements: $3.4M in 2 phases ($600k/$2.8M). Lot Split 

Collateral: Current appraisal at $3.5M with $2.4M in Equity. Post Split     Val $5.5M+. 

2nd Project: Spec home purchased a year ago with an ARV of $5.5M. Need to replace current financing $2.3M and secure a $1.5M construction loan.  IN ESCROW. THANK YOU.

Seeking funding from an established entity with competitive rates and fast closing, Will consider small equity position

Project Summary and appraisals available upon request - Experienced Developer

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ok,,. thats what we do.. email me your info and i will get you more info on what we would need. 


Kathleen Smith

Harbour Equity Partners
Private Client Services, LLC

Admin Assist.  | Private Banking and Client Services


Additional details on our websites at: - -


NY Office    631-757-9700

Fax.              631-991-9142
Email.    Info@SuperJumboLoans.Info     


Private lender financing terms:

  • 9.99% ~ 12% Interest 

  • Up to 65% ARV (Up to 80% LTC + ALL Rehab Costs)

  • 2-4 Points

  • 6-24 Month Term

  • Funding Within 3 Days

  • California, Arizona, Nevada and Texas

  • No Appraisal Required 

  • $50K-$5MM

  • Same Day Approval

  • No Prepayment Penalty

  • No Upfront/Junk Fees

  • Non-Consumer Loans Only (NOO)

  • 1st Position Loans Only

  • Documents required

  • 1003 Attached
  • Appraisals
  • Project Summary
  • Tri merge credit report

Sure Dean - I  sent you email with Summary and full Project presentation. 

Email Summary Sent Dean


Could you please send project summary and appraisal to

email sent

TAMCO Capital can provide funding your commercial deals between $75,000 to $350,000. Small apartments, Mixed Use, Retail, Office, Warehouse, Hotel/Motel, Recreation, Daycare, Hair Salon, Auto Body, Funeral Home, Church, Self Storage, Convenience and more. Close in 2-3 weeks. Credit scores from 475. No Seasoning or Penalty for Early Payoff.

Larger deals from $2MM to $25MM considered case-by-case by our senior analysts.

Rene, I emailed you Summary of the project.

Ok Denene - Email sent

Hi Tommy - give me your number and I will call you

Hello Nick, we are true direct and can meet face to face, quick info, rates and approvals.

Hi ,
I Represent a (Private JV Equity Firm) in NYC. I offer Virtually 100% Funding, in trade with 10% Refubdable Deposit from Client. Which is held in a U.S. Bona Fide Escrow Acct, that is held until final profit is realized,at end of the Funding process. In trade we take a JV Stake in the Project,for up to 36monts ,or until you buy us out. NO INTEREST PAYMENTS ,FOR THE ENTIRE TERM. We Are JV Equity Partners. We can close in 4-6 weeks with , only exec,plan,Experience, 10% DP refundable funding Deposit.
No Credit,6 month bank statements,Tax Returns, required ,accept to verify 3 day verification of the 6% funds.
Please contact me to discuss your funding needs ASAP.
Matt Picone;



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