I am seeking a direct lender that will do stated income loans on high-end resort properties in Colorado.

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And then they change their names and telephones.Quite a work just to catch a naive fish.
Nobody should pay a penny upfront.Call the telephone if it doesn't answer it is a fraud.If the guy is unable to answer your question and you expect to get money from him you are a fool.
This is just to help.
There is a guy with an Arab name trying to trick the world with fraudulent checks.

Generation of Funds,Investment,Capital for Personal and Business use, as well as Mortgage/Home loans to Purchase or Refinance,can be met with hitting on the right genuine source with less interest rate, contact johndanzell212@gmail.com

What is your phone number ?

Udaya did you get his telephone number?

No, I have not received it so far.

Salik, please send me your e-mail address. 

I don't think you will.He is a phantom.Somebody with a different name testing the waters.He also did not answer my emails.
Larry,no answer for any of my emails?

Kindly send details so that I can preview it

Generation of Funds,Investment,Capital for Personal and Business use, as well as Mortgage/Home loans to Purchase or Refinance,can be met with hitting on the right genuine source with less interest rate, contact johndanzell212@gmail.com

Generation of Funds,Investment,Capital for Personal and Business use, as well as Mortgage/Home loans to Purchase or Refinance,can be met with hitting on the right genuine source with less interest rate, contact johndanzell212@gmail.com


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