Need Lender Who Can Take Real Estate and Business As Collateral

Clients are long term business owners. 

Business does $2.5MM annually and is debt free. Has $500k inventory.

Real estate is free and clear and just appraised $640k by CBRE.

Great credit.

Solid financials.

Looking for $800k-$1.0MM

No broker chains.

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did you send him the upfront fee?

His answer is that is a code of the company, he doesn't even know what is a code, I think he is a foreigner dealing from another country, WATCH  IT!!!, IF someone knows more about him, publish it, and the membership should denied his membership for fraudulent actions.


I work with a lender that funds all types of business loans. I can put you in direct contact with him should you provide me your contact information.


Phillip A. Walker

Stone Creek Financial Services



good luck Jake


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