I'm seeking apartment loans in Memphis TN and Oklahoma City. Here's the details

1- Memphis TN 130 units, Purchase price $799,000. Value add deal. $245,000 NOI. Renovations needed on 36 units- 4k per unit

2- Oklahoma City- 104 unit complex, Purchase price 1 million, only 48 units rented and still $115,000 NOI. 4k needed to renovate units not rented.  Once renovation done and 90% of units rented $296,000 NOI

Please contact me if interested

Dustin Rose


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email me at dj_bedford2@yahoo.com with the particulars and we can talk and I might be able to get that funded.

Dustin, What is the purchase price on the Oklahoma property? How much down payment are you inserting into the deal? 

Email me at: hardmoneylaons4you@gmail.com

I will give you information about our loan programs, and what we can do for you, we do all types of loans, 



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