Real Estate Day Trading - Buy In The Mourning - Sell In The Afternoon

Real Estate Day Trading - Buy In The Mourning - Sell In The Afternoon

Need a Lender or JV Partner to Fund 100% of Wholesale Deals and Probates.

When possible, we don't buy property just assign contract to C Buyer.

If my Lender / JV Partner will put up Option Money Deposits and help with Marketing (Post Cards). We can build a business spanning many cities, so as to cherry pick best deals only from each city. Split Net Profit 50/50.

I Have Probate Experience.

Absolute Never Ending Guarantee:

In any MSA of 1 Million plus, at least 100 people die per day. Minimum 30,000 per month. I have a service that can filter these Probates, to ones that own property only. Delivered to Inbox each week. I have well crafted letters to send to Estate Executor and heirs when possible.

Can use all exit strategies for these properties. Owner Finance to Retail Buyer, Use Institutional Lenders, Rehab, Wholesale. "As Is, Were Is and How Is"

Same Deal - Split Net Profits with My Lender / JV Partner.

Small Money Required In Exchange for Big Profits.

I am experienced, did 29 deals in Buffalo, NY (24 of them Probates)

Reference available upon request.

Please contact Mike Hepburn / 1-888-758-7832 /

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Mr. Hepburn

That is an outstanding business model and we have no doubt that it has been very profitable. You are to be commended for such an aggressive and effective quick-turn investment strategy

We have several private investors  and Trust beneficiaries within our own company that may be interested in your funding request.

Please send an executive summary with pro forma, detailed use of funds, resume,etc.  to Jason at :

Lets see what we can do.


Jason Hooks


Michael, this sounds intriguing, can you provide a little more detailed information on what you have to offer?


Dean D'Amico



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