Our company can provide 100% Joint Venture Equity Financing - This program provides 100% Joint Venture Equity Financing for large-scale development projects that require a joint venture partner. Our company can also provide Construction Funding for all types of development projects.

All projects can range anywhere from $250k up to a max of $500,000,000 dollars.

There are $0 up-front fees to review & qualify projects for funding. 

Contact for details . . .

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Monique, I have a 200 unit self storage property that I can purchase for around $1,000,000.00. The owner will finance the property with $130,000.00 down. Do you have anybody that would partner with me to do the down and closing costs? Please email me at mlmeyer4330@gmail.com     Thanks,Mark

Please contact me regarding Commercial loan. Multifamily in Jacksonville, Fl.   dsi491@yahoo.com

Thank you

Please send me more information on your program to arpatel@crureg.com.  Thank you.  Anil

what fees are there?

Hi Greg,

Terms are determined by each project.  What is your private e-mail address. I'll send

more information?  Thx

 I'm looking for a loan of 157 million $ funding a project in  Egypt
Project details:
 Leading Egyptian and Gulf markets for first region copper tube plant For producing
ACR (Air conditioning and Refrigeration) copper tube industry is one of the most demandable feeding industries in the world.
This type of copper tubes involves in making A/C, Car A/C, Hospital Gas Tubes, Oil and Gas, Power Stations and more of the vertical industries.
 I can provide a bank guarantee (BG = face value)  110 %  of loan value (100 % for the loan + 10 %  for interest and costs incurred) over 172,700,000.00 US from an AA+ rated bank as security to lender's bank. 
We can provide the BG from the following Bank
HSBC Hong Kong, 
Barclay London, 
Standard Chartered Bank Dubai, 
JP Morgan Singapore, 
Wells Fargo Dubai and Frankfurt/Main Germany, 
Commerzbank Germany. 
The BG ( face value) will be issued with +110% (172.7 M ), including the annual loan interest and all costs. In addition, the BG can to be extended to 5 years. Therefore the we are looking  loan to be paid out at 100% (= 155.7 million $). Term: 1 year renewable up to 5 years
Because the cost of issuing BG will be about 2.5 - 3 % from face value (about 4 M $) we will not issue the BG before
finding the real lender who have the fund available on his bank
After project reviewing and DD process we expecting for the lender to issue LOI This LOI automatically becomes a full commercial recourse contract after both parties shall lodge the executed contract with their respective banks.
or issue a bank statement letter for loan against the BG. Before issuing the BG But after contracting 
 We don't want to monetize the BG. The lender must have the funds to 100% for paying out the loan.  We can repay the total loan within 1 year.


I would like to determine who all contacted Frank Moss. I am busy compiling a advance fee fraud case against him and VHC Goodrich. Please send your contact details onto groupceo@villavenezia.net so that I can send it onto the relevant authorities looking into the fraudulent misrepresentation and improper financial conduct. VHC Group LLC is not BBB registered and have falsified MT103s, created false accounts and tried to extract funds via online platforms. Ensure you create a papertrail when dealing with any investment or loan offering.

Hi Monique,

Any interest in Costa Rica???



Hi Juan,

One of the funding sources I work with is Raft Consulting. 

Funding is worldwide with some exceptions.

The link to their website is below.  Terms & Conditions vary by project.

They are both direct to private investors & will outsource.  Once again, it

depends on the project.  If you would like to submit an executive summary,

e-mail me directly at: mrc721@yahoo.com.  I have a list of questions.

Thank you!

Kindest Regards,

Monique Rene' Coates

I am looking for Construction Funding 3.3M on prime location to develop high quality project, please contact me at zee@stoneycreekventures.biz

Hi Zee,

One of the funding sources I work with is Raft Consulting. 

The link to their website is below.  Terms & Conditions vary by project.

They are both direct to private investors & will outsource.  Once again, it

depends on the project.  If you would like to submit an executive summary,

e-mail me directly at: mrc721@yahoo.com.  I have a list of questions.

Thank you!

Kindest Regards,

Monique Rene' Coates

I am looking at a $22 million portfolio of 6 apartment complexes, 1125 units, how does your 100% financing work?


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