Experienced full time investor in Ca seeks capital partner

Experienced full time flipper seeking capital partner(s) for real estate fix and flip deals. Average simple return on investment is 16% with an average turnaround time of 67 days. Averaged annualized ROI is 85%.
I locate deals, design and manage rehab & resale from start to finish. Split profits 50/50.

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I've been meaning to reach out to you and keep getting caught up.  I don't know if you would be open to working with a broker, but I'm in Sacramento and do both Commercial and Residential lending and I have a couple lenders in pocket that do what you're looking for, especially in Northern CA.  100% PP/100% rehab; Looks for 50/50 profit split, and have a couple others that are similar - Sponsor bring in say 10%; Lender will fund the rest, but 70/30 or 60/40 split on the sale, majority to sponsor.

If you could, email me and let me know.  I don't know if you live around where you invest, but I live in the Sacramento area, so meeting is a definite possibility.  I'd be open to learning some things from you too.


Jared Rine


209 481 0514


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