Seeking Hard Money loan for Mixed used property in NJ

Currently have a client looking for hard money loan for his Liquor store/apt property.  The property is worth $250 to $300k.  The property has no mortgage and the client's looking for 50% ltv.  

Please let me know if you have a lender, 

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We finance loans at 2% interest:Contact for more info with: 1.Full Name: 2.Sex: 3.Age: 4.Phone: 5.Country: 6.Loan Amount needed 7.Duration: 8.Monthly Income: 9.Occupation:Our email address is

Loans will be given out to any person, group of persons, companies and corporate organisation that has the genuine proof of identification and repayment at 5% interest rate on the first 5years. Interested persons should reach me on my personal email

Loans will be given out to any person, group of persons, companies and corporate organisation that has the genuine proof of identification and repayment at 5% interest rate on the first 5years. Interested persons should reach me on my personal email


We finance loans at 2% interest:Contact for more info with: 1.Full Name: 2.Sex: 3.Age: 4.Phone: 5.Country: 6.Loan Amount needed 7.Duration: 8.Monthly Income: 9.Occupation:Our email address is

Have you been turned down by so many banks? Do you  need FINANCE/INVESTMENTS to establish your business? Do you need  finance for the expansion of your business? Or do you  need a personal loan? Our loan ranges from personal to  business loan. Our interest rate is very affordable  and our loan process is very fast and easy as well. We  are very willing to make all your financial troubles a  thing of the past. If you are really ready to get your  financial problems solved,Then search no further and  apply for a loan Name:............. Contact  Address:........ Phone:.................  Country:................ Loan:......... Purpose Of  Loan........... Loan Duration:............  Sex:....................... Age.................Email Address:..............Best  Regards.....Herbert Wilson contact us;

I might be able to help. Here is an outline of what I can do:

Private Capital Investor RE Funding Program - not credit driven

You must be able to prove you can make the payments
We are offering up to 80% of purchase price or 65% of the appraised value whichever is less
States we are lending in for this program - AL, AK, AR, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, HI, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MS, MO, MT, NE, NH, NM, NC, OH, OK, PA, SC, TN, TX, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY
Rates from 12-18% 
Points from 4-8
up to a 2 year term available 
loan amounts from 15k and up 
65% loan to value on refinances for 1-4 unit and commercial properties 
No seasoning on a refi - if you own the prop under 1 year we lend based on what you paid plus any repairs you have receipts for 
1-4 unit investment properties and commercial properties 

George Bloom
Finance Solutions Of America
Direct 561-634-5678
Fax 954-200-6162


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