Please do NOT reply unless you've read the wrinkles and can deal with them. Only very experienced brokers or direct lenders need respond.

State: IL

Type: DSCR Refi

Borrower Experience: A lot verifiable

Borrower Credit: 700 ish



1. Has appraisals in the last 6 months with another lender and wants to use them.

2. Little to no cash reserves on last 2 bank statements.

3. Pending judicial foreclosures against borrower (as guarantor) and other entities she owns but unrelated to title.


1. Foreclosures are truly disputed and will take a long time to sort out.

2. Cash position is getting stronger as covid holdover tenants are finally evicted by the courts and we can show lender the plan and path.

3. Properties have a lot of equity..

Jake Moore


Views: 28


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