Project Funding Details:


100% Project Funding accomplished via Direct Investment in the Project /Projects can be Domestic and International. This is accomplished via instrument monetizaton. $250K U.S.D. must be placed in Attorney Escrow for the Investment to be purchased by Funding Entity to start the process. Funding entity pays for lease fees and consultant fees. Source is performing having facilitated 3 transactions in October 2013.

How The Process Works:

1. Confirm that Project Principal has project requiring $10M U.S.D. at a minimum in addition to

$259K U.S.D. liquid.

2. The next step forward a Business Plan outlining funding request.

3. Upon acceptable review of Business Plan documentation from funding entity will provided to be completed and returned. In addition the Principal is to provide a Certificate of Good Company Standing.

4. Ounce the additional paperwork and Certificate of Good Standing have been turned in upon review Funding Entity will provide contract outlining the remainder of the process and Attorney Escrow instructions.

5. Principal reviews contract and does any due diligence on the Attorney Firm to establish comfort.

6. Upon review  contract is executed and returned in addition to $250K wired to Attorney Escrow.Ounce the funds are in escrow instrument will be sent to the funder and when the bank acknowledges the instrument is delivered and authenticated then funds leave escrow.

7. The $250K is utilized to purchase a $10M face value instrument (instrument fee is 2.5% of $10M= $250K). The $10M instrument is monetized and leveraged to provide for the entire 100% project funding. A $10M instrument is monetized/leveraged to purchase a larger say $50--100M instrument and depending on the requirement for funding the $50-100M instrument can go to $500M -1B. Thus by repeating this same process all initiated by the $250K projects requiring billions can receive 100% project funding. 

8. Funding entity will require 2-5% equity stake in the Project.


Expect Payments approximately equal over 6 to 10 week period for total funding request. The first payment to Project is in 4-7 days ounce funding occurs against instrument.


1. This is not a JV. This is 100% Project Funding via direct Investment in Project.

2. Project Principal will receive three contracts: collateral, funding and escrow. 

3. There are on upfront fees nor in there any loan Project Principal to payback.

4. Prime Banks are involved and there is oversight at every step

Edward Tuggle, Private Funding Consultant- Offering Innovate and Creative

Options to Underwrite Viable Projects in the U.S and Abroad

Office 281-599-9954 My E-mail address is etuggle859@sbcglobal.net

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