We are seeking either a loan or JV partner on these deals...

The borrowers have all paid DD fees and other costs upfront already...they DID NOT fund...so, no upfront fees of any sort are allowed...

All three deals have 3rd party reports verifying the value of their projects...

Project one: is a Bio fuel deal...borrower has 25 years experience a working model of the concept...total project cost is 30 million...needed right now is 3 million for land purchase and other costs to start the project...in place are PPA's by local triple A rated utility company...an organic feed for livestock is another product it produces he has inked contracts from a buyer and lastly, it produces ethanol and he has another inked contract from this buyer...on a monthly basis it will gross 1.35 million and net $979,000...he is willing to give 40% to investors for 3 years after which it can turn into a loan at a rate of 18 % which he will pay off from a loan using a re-fi mortgage...build out time is 11-12 months...prior to submitting this deal we will need verification of your ability to fund the deal...please NO brokers...looking for direct money...

Project two: are gold mines via an assay report dated in 2011 there are a reported value of gold and other minerals of over 50 billion...he is seeking roughly 1 billion or less to get mines operational...

Project three: is an oil and gas company located in NC that is seeking 6-10 million for expansion and equipment purchases...borrower has a certified value of in-earth product that makes the 6 million a LTV of 36 %...

Again, no fees upfront and no brokers please...prior to submitting these deals we will need to verify you can fund said projects and will need to sign a NDNC as well as a fee sheet...

I have been in this industry for over 15 years now and I know what will work and what just wastes every ones time...personally, have never seen a 

Will you be able to let me verify 4 deals that you have funded....

What method of funding will be used...if it is not a JV or a loan....we will not be interested....I have tried platform funding aka trading desk...did not work ...we tried SBLC's they did not work...we tried insurance wraps...they did not work ...so, what proven method of funding are you going to use ?

Kind regards


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NOT interested in ANY of my clients ever paying an "application fee"  

A LOI is not even worth the paper it is written on...no up front fees is NO up front fees...look at a deal then issue LOI...no thanks...

Delete your reply...it is SPAM on this posting...

Plus, you and the owner BOTH use FREE email accounts...sounds like a scam to me...



I am sorry. I ask the loan

I beg you. Help. The father in resuscitation. Operation is necessary. A brain tumour.

The help is necessary. I ask about the help.

I ask help 20 thousand dollars for one month. Pledge my apartment. Under percent.

I the fair person.

I BEG YOU. FOR GOD'S SAKE. Help. I will return. I swear.

Help I ask.

I will return at once with percent.

I wait.

Kostylev Alexander.

Kostylev Alexander.
Russia. 660,062. Krasnoyarsk.
Street Visotnay 2. str 1. room 418.
Email: alekskkost5@yahoo.com
My private phone no: +79631818912
My private fax no: +7 (391) 2478387
Occupation: Adviser.
Age: 34 year
Sex: Male.
Skype; Alekskkost5
First we will need a detailed executive summary/business plan for these projects(Renewable energy, construction,
industries, real estate(US), business expansions) required documents in the attached files(transaction summary form and project funding overview) and below docs. Please have all in English.
Financial Statement- Both personal and Business of all principles
Lender application -
Feasibility Study
Environmental Reports
Pro forma
Approved permits
Management profile
Detailed breakdown use of funds/ cost
Contractor estimates
Copies of contracts
Letter of intent to fund or any other funding offer already issued by another funding source
Copies of bank statements if it is a refinance for pay off amount
As always the lender may required additional documents. You may send other documents that you feel will help.

Note; Kindly mention the amounts in USD. Min $ 5M to Max 50M

id: reach2trading@gmail.com

Hello There,

  I just wanted to share that I would love to see how we can collaborate together on the Funding that YOU are seeking ...

I am direct to a lender that will finance the following:

Oil, Gas, Alternative Energy, Wind Turbine
In Ground Assets
Shopping Centers
Multifamily Apartments
Commercial Properties
Elder Care Facilities
Construction Loans
Purchase Order Financing
Hard Money Loans
Reconciling Balloons coming due
Heavy Equipment Financing
Sale/ leaseback deals
Medical Equipment Leasing
Hotel/Motel Funding
Precious Metal lines of credit to owners
Precious Gems dealers get working capital
Antique and Fine Art

Please email me pamela@cyprusassociates.com


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