There are two existing components:

  • An "S" Corp. that has been in business since 2005, that successfully invests in residential real estate
  • A Brokerage that is authorized by HUD to make offers on HUD properties.

Several of my agents within the brokerage use my software and spreadsheets to make offers on homes for investors:

  • Investors bid on properties within a defined area (County)
  • We suggest offer price, make the offer, and continue to adjust and resubmit to win
  • Once a property is "awarded":
    • We create all the marketing collateral as the "S" Corp. and deluge the "off MLS" market of investors and rehabbers to sell the property at a wholesale price for cash
    • Goal being a simultaneous closing
    • If not sold within the closing cycle, we offer to list on MLS and will also rehab for the client if needed

This model has been working very successfully for multiple investors...

The purpose of this post is to find a JV Partner to team with ME...

  • The "S" Corp becomes a client of the Brokerage
  • We bid on homes in counties where we aren't competing with existing investors
  • We manage the process and use our mailing lists, marketing tools, etc. to market the property
  • If we need to purchase and hold... that is where you come in.
    • You provide the funds for the acquisition
    • We list on MLS and begin a rehab if needed
      • We have all the contractors in place
      • As milestones are completed, the retail price goes up
      • We price below the market, but at a profit to close quickly
    • When sold, your acquisition money is returned, expenses are deducted, and the profits are split between you and I
    • ...and repeat!!!

Views: 64

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Jeffrey B. Freis Associates, Inc. has an active real estate finance division. Contact me to discuss your Projects.

Jeffrey B. Freis, President
Jeffrey B. Freis Associates, Inc.
Tel: 914 967-9235
Fax:914 798-6670

From what I was able to determine, you folks are way to "Corporate" for a little investor like myself...

But thank you...


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