Seeking $900K to Purchase 4 Unit Apartment Buildings in Las Vegas, 90% LTV, 730 FICO, 8.5 CAP Rate

I am seeking $900K to purchase (5) 4 unit apartment buildings in las Vegas. Each building cost $200K. 5 buildings x $200K = $1,000,000 total cost.  My FICO is currently 730. I already own a 4 unit building in Las Vegas with zero vacancies.  

Purchase Price                    $200,000

Down payment                    $20,000

Improvements                     0

Closing Costs                      $4,000

Total Cost                           $224,000

Cash Outlay                        $23,000

Financing Assumptions                 

Down payment                   10%

Finance Amount                $180,000

Down payment Amount       $20,000

Interest Rate                     4%

Mortgage (Years)               30

Mortgage Payment             $859

                                                Monthly            Yearly            Multiplier

Revenues                                                                                  5 Buildings

Rental Income                                $2,000         $24,000               $120,000

Vacancy Rate 12%                         $240           $2,880                  $14,400

Net Rental Income                          $1,760         $21,120               $105,600

Other Income                                 $100            $1,200                 $6,000

Gross Income                               $4,100           $22,320                $111,600

                                                Monthly           Year 1                  Multiplier

Expenses                                                                                 5 Buildings

Property Taxes Annual                 100             $1,200                $6,000

Insurance   Annual                        90             $1,080                   $5,400

Property Mgmt  (% Rent)               6%             $1,339.20             $6,696

Maintenance & Repairs Annual      1000           $1,000                    $5,000

Advertising Annual                         10             $120                     $600

Utilities Annual                               50              $600                    $3,000

Trash  Annual                               130            $1,560                  $7,800

                Total Expenses                              $6,899                    $34,496

Net Operating Income (NOI)                                                                     

Income - Expenses = NOI                                                                            

$24,000 - $6,899 = $17,101       x5 =  $85,505

Cash Flow                                                                           

NOI - Debt Service - Cash Flow                                                                  

$17,101 - $10,308 = $6,793         x5 = $33,965

CAP Rate                                                            

NOI / Property Price = CAP Rate                                                               

$17,101 / $200,000 = 8.5%                                                            

$85,505 / $1,000,000 = 8.5%

Please do not contact me with any scams. Do not ask for me to pay processing fees or application fees before funds are received into escrow.


Spelward Smart, LLC

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Sent you a email!

Royce, if you don't mind working with veterans, maybe we can help.  Hope to hear from you.

Reggie Truss

The Michael Lewis Group 


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