Looking for a $1.2 M Business Loan for Tiny Homes PRO, LLC company for start-up including a building to produce these homes along with material and salary for employees; such as electricians, plumbers, skilled carpenters. 

Please see Tiny Homes PRO business plan along with employment and income that will be generated from the manufacturing of the tiny homes.   

We just showed our tiny home at the Austin, Texas Home and Garden Show on 23-25 March.  They had around 20K people attended.  We were right outside of the front doors.  We were the “star” of the show.  There was a line at the tiny home all three days.  Many people came from off the street to view the home.   Moreover, many people expressed an interest in purchasing a tiny home in the near future.

Check out our website:  www.tinyhomespro.com

Regards, Myra

Myra M. Bennett

​Tiny Homes Pro

Phone: 512-779-1985

Email: mmbennett100@gmail.com

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