$300 million dollars-plus, playing the match game

$300 million dollars-plus, playing the match game

The Match Game…..

Bachelor #1:

Hard-working, down to earth, $200 million private / hard money fund looking for the girl next door loan deal needing $400k to $20,000,000. The “perfect” loan, with not a hair out of place, can go off and hang out with a big G.Q. kinda bank, with sexy low rates and fees. Good luck getting a ride in their fancy sports car.

The “not so perfect loan” – with a whisp of a stray hair or two, smudged makeup, and maybe even dressed in sweatpants, might be a perfect match for bachelor #1 if the overall presentation is reasonable, it’s realistic in its expectations and if it lives in these states.

California, Nevada. Oregon, Washington, Texas Colorado, Utah, Idaho. Also, Georgia, North Carolina, Kentucky and New Jersey.

Bachelor #2:

20-plus year dedicated business veteran always looking for the perfect match. Has been known to not care much about the credit history, or income, or mis-placed hairs of a potential match, as long as it can stand on its own legs and hasn’t exaggerated about its height and weight and will not embarrass us in a meeting with our moneyed associates. Bachelor #2 has up to $8,000,000 to spend on a match. This match needs to live in these states.

AL, AK, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, HI, ID(C), IL(C), IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MN(C), MS, MO, MT, NE, NH, NM, OH, OK, OR(C), PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT(C), VA(C), WA, WV, WI, WY

Bachelor #3:

Older, well established, experienced fund will go to any state to meet its match. Kind of a cheapskate tho, with only up to $2,000,000 for its match. But, if its match is really sexy, and maybe has a friend to bring to the poker game, for additional back-up, this bachelor might even offer up 100% full value of the scenario.

Bachelor #4:

Been there, done that, seen everything. Been playing the match game for 40 years. Loves all 50 states. If a potential match is reasonable, realistic, and a ”make sense” kinda scenario, this old expert will look at any possible scenario. But don’t apply a lot of make-up to try and cover up any flaws – ‘cause we will find out and then chances are nobody is gonna get a good-night kiss.

Remember: Don’t put lipstick on a pig and try to call it a princess. It is what it is - and we're OK with that. If you do have a princess, let’s meet her!


Code key:

#1: $300k to $20,000,000 per loan. Lender points, 2 - 4 depending on the deal. Rates starting at 7.9% LTV max about 65%.

#2: Up to $8,000,0000 on 1sts. Up to $2,000,000 on 2nds and 3rds. Stated  income, credit not an issue, asset based. Rates start at 7.4%. 75% LTV max on 1sts. 65% on 2nds. Lender points 2 to 5 depending on the situation.

#3: Rates start at 7%. Lender points; 1. This fund loves really good borrowers and will break rules for them. Will do land.

#4: Bring it on. $300k to $40,000,000. JV deals, equity, debt loans, lines of credit, accounts receivable hypothecation, etc.


David Kindopp

Matching funds and borrowers for about 30 years



e-mail inquiries get first priority


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