Top 10 Reasons To Use Hard Money In This Market - What Would David Letterman Say?

                                     Top 10 Reasons Video - What Would David Letterman Say

LENDER’S VIEWPOINT - By Broker, Forest Tardibuono

                                    TOP 10 REASONS TO USE HARD MONEY IN THIS MARKET

Having watched a lot of David Letterman Late Night shows, I realized just as he has his “Top 10 reasons”, there are Top 10 Reasons To Use Hard Money.

Need I say more…

#10.  You had a recent Bankruptcy.

#9.  You are currently in a bankruptcy.

#8.  You had a short sale not too long ago..

#7.  You had a foreclosure yesterday.

#6.  You have been in a bankruptcy for a year, had 2 foreclosures of rental properties in the last 12 months and you are currently short selling your home (true story!!).

#5.  Your home loan was just declined by the bank that approved you a month earlier for something on your credit report that was there from the start.

#4.  You have written 11 [unaccepted] offers and now have a new best friend in your Realtor.

#3.  3 words:  “Fourteen”  - “Day”  - “Escrow”! (I just did one in 7 days.  My record is 5, and I would like the challenge to do it quicker!!)

#2.  You are the “perfect loan” for a bank.  Perfect credit, perfect income, big down payment.  But you want to buy a dumpy property and fix it up.  Banks hate dumpy properties. 

And the #1 Reason...  As a Hard Money Lender for 25 years – I say YES when others say no!

Call me with your scenarios and let’s see how I can help you.



Forest Tardibuono- the Guy in the White Hat - is a CA DRE Broker with 25 years of experience in real estate and lending.  His phone number is (707) 523-2099.  See website @


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