Do you need direct access to a lender and fund manager to discuss financing for your commercial real estate development or acquisition?

Our team of finance experts understands the challenges with obtaining a loan for your commercial real estate development or acquisition. We have seen and resolved all types of challenges and hurdles in assisting investors and developers with qualifying for a loan. We consider ourselves as the "fixer" to applications with challenges and issues; however, successful solutions are based on viable projects and qualified buyers for the loan. Our group consists of a knowledgeable and savvy lender and a fund manager that have resources and access to all the capital you need for your project. Currency, we have provided a solution for a large developer having loan qualifying issues and an investment banker with loan limitations. There is no cost to speaking directly with our lender and fund manager to learn the best strategy in both cost savings and smart play for your development and acquisitions. Please review a short video about the market we serve here.

Note Commercial real estate development and acquisitions; minimum of $10M to any qualified amount, we provide (75%) of the equity requirement (total) but in order for us to do that we will need to also be writing the debt component of the project.

All the best,

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