Quality private lenders and the one with a connection to private lenders are welcome

To deal with real estate for me the main idea first of all is to solve someone else distress situation.

What do I mean by that ? many tenants rent a house for 1 or 2 years then they will find themselves in a monthly basis contract meaning it's a matter of time of being thrown away

with a 30 days of notice and the main thing there are usually no mortgages under $50,000

This means paying rent all life without being able to buy a house therefore living with a daily stress and anxiety = no chance to develop and create a better life.

My rent to own plan solve this and within a reasonable time they will be the owners this can improve their quality of life dramatically ! unlike the one who approved by a bank for a mortgage who just need help to choose the nicest house.

The one with a connection to a private lender:

If you know lenders who can lend at least $20,000 who want to make the highest rate by getting %15 interest per year by solving other people distress situation then you are invited to join the revolution Win Win to all and as a referral you will get $70 monthly as a passive income for 4 to 8 years ! you can get $3360 to $6720 revenue per deal ! if a lender bring $100,000 then you can get $16,800 to $33,600 in total !

Private lender:

Pls. only private lenders let's keep it simple and save are both time only serious inquiries, no upfront fees will be paid. all done through title company or a lawyer based lien on the house under lender's name. loans for 5-8 years minimum. Proof can be provided by me as an already experienced entrepreneur.

Details about me for lenders:
I have an LLC in Ohio name Home Cash Buyers LLC
with a local bank account at Bank of America.
My main business is in Toledo, Ohio
Already have 5 houses here.
My residence is in Israel as an investor
cooperate with another 1200 Israelis real estate Investors
in the US so your collateral can be based
lien at the house.
Each house average bought is $20,000 livable
(blanket loan for few houses can be done).

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