C-36 Commercial Land on Hwy 76 Bonsall, CA -- Southern California

Looking for a land loan and or equity partner.

Ideally it will be someone who has done commercial development of smaller (1.65 acres) commercial projects.

City permit processing will cost $300,000 and take 2 years.

Current land value is $2M

Current debt is $510,000

Looking for a $1,000,000 loan

Use of proceeds;

Pay off existing debt; $510,000

Wrap 24 months of payments of taxes and loan into the new debt

(no payments while processing the permits)

$300,000 for permit processing, engineering, architectural, etc all the way up to construction financing

$190,000 contingency...money can be held in a Lockbox/Escrow account

Kurt cell; 949-278-3216 text me 1st I rarely answer unknown callers

Property is currently listed but Seller has obtained Conceptual Architectural Renderings and has spoken with the City of Bonsall


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