I live in New York City and I hate it!

I'm Jamie from New York. I'm putting this here because like many people I am no longer on Facebook and I could really use some opinions. If you would like, please give me yours :):):)

I am a 30-something single girl with one elementary school aged child and I have been living in New York since my teenage years. When I was in my late teens and early twenties, one of my relatives who was a big time real estate investor when he was alive started showing me the ins and outs of investing. When he passed away, he left me a few properties and I have since used the knowledge he shared with me to buy several more. Last year I sold 4 of them to free up some cash for future purchases and I still have several more that are paying me monthly rent, with liens on just 2 of them. Point being, I have cash flow so money is not a big concern for me. 

I mention the above because living in NYC, while very expensive, wild, busy, fun, and sometimes absolutely crazy, can also be very tough on people, especially young children. From the traffic to the on again off again masking, the hatred of police officers, our terrible new Mayor, the filth, homeless, crime, and kids in school being encouraged to cross-dress on Fridays (yes, really) make this a terrible place. I actually pulled my daughter out of public school late last year and have been home schooling her but we live in a high rise with very few children and little kids need to be around other kids. 

I would love to hear your opinions on where in this country my little girl and I should move. I am currently considering North Carolina, Florida, Texas and Arizona but I don't want to miss out on any great city or state. If you all have read this far, please consider giving me your opinion or suggestion on where we should move. Ocean would be nice but it's not that big of a deal. Of greater importance is my little girl's education and upbringing as well as a place that I myself can enjoy, date, shop, and meet good people. I want to live someplace with low crime so this is also a factor. The crime in NYC is the worst. It is constant and unsafe to walk down many streets, even during the daytime hours. I own enough rentals that money is not an issue and I will probably put my daughter into private school, possibly a Christian based school if I can find a good one. Please give me your thoughts because I just don't know where to go. Moving is a big, big deal.

Thank you for reading my little life dilemma. 


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Comment by Patriotic Investor on September 4, 2022 at 11:00am

I live near Charleston SC so I have been all over the east coast. I agree that Tampa is a great place, a little spendy but not like Miami and much better crowd. Not as pretentious or showy as Miami. Great views and strong economy. Florida has the best Governor in the US which is always a plus. South Carolina is more affordable but honestly not as pretty and the weather hits pretty hard if you live on the coast. Same with southern North Carolina but NC is a little more expensive, maybe a little prettier, too. Crime is about average in both although I have lived 10 minutes from the coast in South Carolina for over 25 years and other than a little sketchy walking around late at night, I have never had a single problem. I would say Florida upper gulf coast would be number one in your higher price point, North Carolina number two. Your politics sound like my own so I would avoid Boston or Virginia. Go to Florida and live a happy life!

If you choose South Carolina which is where I live, I can set you up with a great luxury Real Estate Agent.

Comment by Monty Yeager on September 4, 2022 at 10:03am

Now that I have lived in Florida a couple months... Tampa, specifically South Tampa. Tampa has crime that is about average for a city that size but South Tampa is a nicer, higher income peninsula with lower crime, amazing restaurants, fun things to do and incredible views and sunsets. I will move there or Clearwater Beach in the next couple months, from Sarasota which is where I am now.

Tampa is safer and more affordable than Miami, with much lower risks of serious weather issues (hurricanes). Spending $1.5M gets you an INCREDIBLE ocean view condo on the ocean, or a nice house. $2M gets you a nice house on the water, $3.5 to $4M gets you an amazing house on the water. Paradise in a smallish - medium sized city. Summers are extremely humid but that ends in late September and starts again in late April - May. Palm trees and nice people all over the place.

Best of luck on your search.


Comment by Jamie Cafaro on September 4, 2022 at 9:34am

So, only 2 people responded to my post a month ago and I am ready at this point to pick a town and choose a Realtor to find me a property. Budget: Up to around $1.5 million but I can get a little flexible. Putting down probably 50%. If you were spending that money and wanted to live on or very close to the ocean with at least a view of the water, where in the Southeastern United States would you move?

Comment by Monty Yeager on July 26, 2022 at 8:03pm

Damn Jamie this is getting a lot of views. Apparently you aren't the only one that doesn't like anti-American communistic New York. I would never live there.

Sarasota is not a city, more like a large town, maybe 60,000 people or so but it covers a lot of land. You have the houses that line the open ocean for $5 Million to $15 Million, you have the beautiful coastal homes that line the water ways for $2 Million to about $7 Million. You also have what I will buy for myself next year which are ocean view condominiums. You can pick up a nice view 1 bedroom condo for $700k or so, a nice 2 bedroom for maybe $900k +, and then they can get just as pricey as the big dog homes if you want something with more bedrooms and over 2000 square feet. Nice town, good attitude from the people I have met, 2 shopping malls, gorgeous high end shops and restaurants in coastal Sarasota on the way to Siesta Key and Longboat Key. Amazing seafood, steakhouses, lots of fun things to do. If you are comfortable with paying several million dollars then check out Siesta Keys, Longboat Keys, and 90 minutes south of here are Naples and Marco Island. 

If you come to Sarasota, msg. me here. I am happy to show you around. 

Best of luck in your upcoming move!


Comment by Louis Rosenberg on July 26, 2022 at 2:21pm

Pretty sure that Monty who owns this website just moved to Florida earlier this summer. He is an investor as well so you may want to ask him how the market is. I seem to remember him saying something about going to Tampa. Here is his profile: https://realestatefinance.ning.com/profile/MontyYeager381

Big Lou

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