Note Asking Price: $175,000
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the note matures next year at which point you can foreclose or restructure the debt or the borrower has to do a balloon payment.

Note Terms Lien Position: 1
Performance (PL/NPL): Performing
Legal Status: None
Unpaid Principal Balance: $194,681.22
Loan to Value: 43%
Origination Date: May 20, 2013
Original Balance: $122,000.00
Total Payoff: $194,681.22
Payments Remaining: 10
Interest Rate: 13.35%
Principal And Interest Payment: $1,473.96
Escrow/Impounds: $0.00
Total Monthly Loan Payment: $1,473.96
Last Payment Received Date: August 1, 2019
Next Payment Date: November 1, 2019
Maturity Date: Sep 9, 2020
Occupancy Status: Occupied
Accrued Late Charges: $45,000.00
Hardest Hit Fund State: Yes
Judicial State: Yes

Property Details
Property Value: $450,000
Property Type: Single Family
City: Charlotte
State: North Carolina
Zip: 28277
County: USA
House Year Built: 1997

Views: 12


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