Looking for Private Lender that is lending in NJ/NY/PA

I am looking for Private Money Lender that is lender on Rehabs and Buy&Holds. 

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Comment by Daniel Lawson on January 23, 2023 at 5:25pm

My Name is Blessing, am a Investment/ loan Advisor and International Outsourcing personnel. I recommend credible Entrepreneur/viable projects to a Consortium of Private
Investors who are looking for good business plan/Entrepreneurs to invest and manage funds on a short and long term basis.
I have a loan offer from my principals to recommend on merit a reputable Private
Individual/ Company Owner with good financial standing to receive and
invest between $5,000/$10,000,000.00 Million USD in a secure High Risk/Low Risk
Investment/ projects that will generate a good Return on Investment annually
Please make sure you contact us to this email directly or copy our email address and pest before sending messages
Email: awak73778@gmail.com
The terms are 2% interest rate per annual (Negotiable) time duration is 10 years/1year grace period.
Kindly indicate your interest for more details respond with your whatsapp number for instant chat and easy communication.
Email: awak73778@gmail.com
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Blessing

Comment by Darnell Henson on March 23, 2018 at 11:31am

We fund in NY and NJ. Please email me at darnell.henson@desertstarcapital.com

Comment by Karl Werner on March 23, 2018 at 11:19am

What are your project funding requirements.    Karl Werner

Comment by Omada Resource Group on March 19, 2018 at 7:51am


Email me at sgriswold@omadaresourcegroup.nwt.  I have REhab and buy and hold programs for investors. 

Thank you,

Sondra Griswold

Omada Resource Group

Comment by Simmy Ahluwalia on March 18, 2018 at 3:39pm

Hello Erinn, we originate in these states.  Website:  www.SimsCapital.biz


Comment by Darnell Henson on March 15, 2018 at 7:56pm

Then email me at darnell.henson@desertstarcapital.com and lets to some business

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