
The video included in this post is a quick view description of an eco camp ground.

Located on Gulf of Aqaba shore line, it's a 30 bungalow build rooms, very simple Bedouin settings, kitchen prepped to serve fresh three meals a day, toilets and bathrooms. Located Right on a very amazing valley with mountains back ground. It's an incredible relaxing remote area with an unspoiled environment, located in a protectorate shore line. Over 20 dive sites around the location, as far as one hour max ride. The camp ground shore has very easy axes to the reef house which is suitable for introductory dives and open water courses. A natural sandy pool at the beach entrance provides ultimate relaxation. The area has An Amazing site seeing almost all year around for stars, and a beach crap shows in night time ;-). It has an incredible virgin undersea and above land environment.

Owner looking to hire the camp for 1 million dollars for 50 years under government permitted regulations for foreign use off lands in Egypt , egyptian law prohibits foreigners from owning lands for life , they can have use of it as high as 100 years and business details stated on a contract . . But he prefers to have partner on site that can handle establishment of dive center and 10 air-conditioned rooms, renovating and promoting.

Owner estimated down payment 100 thousand $ for (building, equipping and licensing a dive center, building up 10 air-conditioned rooms, renovation, promoting plan).

And that's for a 50 % will be your monthly share from all profits for a 2 year contract, able for renewal. All details can only be discussed in a meeting right after inspecting and before money on table. Owner is very fixable and he is an old friend of mine. He lives in a different area and he has his own business and life their, he can't keep up with the camp ground. This is a bomb deal for scuba diving investor who is up for a challenging and fruitful business.

My paid commission will include providing you with full hand on hand service till business up and running. And that will be a 3 % from the total price tag agreed on contract. All sorts of future ideologies and duties to run the business can be discussed and legalized on the contract before closing.

Hope this was helpful and interesting to you or some of your clients.

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