December 2015
Private Money Structuring
My friend, Daniil, who is a full-time real estate investor
just recorded a 40+ minute all-content video called:
"Private Money Structuring – How to Get Lenders to Chase You".
In this video, he shows…
Private Money Structuring
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Who is direct? Who is a mortgage broker? Whi…
Owning this website, I come into contact with many direct lenders, mortgage brokers, borrowers, and others in the lending circle.
With all due respect to the thousands of professionals here, I feel t…
Who is direct? Who is a mortgage broker? Whi…
Please look before you leap!!!
Sorry we just have to point this out. If you're a prospective Borrower and you come in contact with a Lender who claims that you could get your loan application approved within 1 or 2 hours or within…
Please look before you leap!!!