Ask any financial expert, dipping into your retirement savings is the last piece of advice you could expect. However, some circumstances require urgent attention and your retirement savings can offer the much needed financial cushion. If you’re an owner-only business or self-employed professional with a Solo 401k plan, the IRS allows you to borrow from your retirement plan. You can avail a Solo 401 k loan of up to $50,000 or 50% of your plan assets. Interesting! However, there’s more to learn before borrowing from your retirement savings.
One of the prerequisites of availing a Solo 401 k loan is its provision in your plan adoption documents. Solo 401k plans provided by financial institutions for no fee, often, do not offer a participant loan. On the contrary, open-architecture and custodian Solo 401k plans allow eligible participants to borrow from their plans.
A Solo 401 k loan is critical for small business owners and proprietors with limited access to credit. When choosing your plan, make sure to have the borrowing option, so that you can use retirement funds without triggering any tax or early-withdrawal penalties.
Note: If there is any other outstanding loan on the plan, then the maximum borrowing limit is reduced by the outstanding loan amount.
Unlike traditional commercial/business loans, you can use a Solo 401 k loan for pretty much anything and everything.
There are some circumstances under which your Solo 401 k loan will be considered in the default state.
If your loan defaults, the first step is to cure the loan, only if your plan documents allow it. Usually, you can cover any missed quarterly payment within that quarter only. However, if you’re unable to resolve the issue:
A Solo 401 k loan is a financial cushion you should use only when you have no other alternatives. When borrowing from your Solo 401k plan, make sure to follow the above guidelines, and seek professional advice when necessary. Image credits:
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