Self Employed Pension – Making your Real Estate Investment Work

The Self-Directed self employed pension is what you can set up and establish in order to enjoy the most lucrative investments. One of the most promising investment fields in today’s economy is the real estate industry where you can get remarkable return on investment or ROI. It is imperative to set up this plan from no less than the best administrator, Sense Financial. If you are thinking of investing in real estate, the company’s founder and CEO, Dmitriy Fomichenko, could help you boost your money being a certified real estate specialist himself.


The Solo 401 k Rules


Just like any other retirement plans, the self employed pension also has various requirements and rules to comply with especially to be eligible to establish an account. There are two main eligibility requirements to begin with:


  • Small Business Ownership – Your small business must have no fulltime employees except for you and your spouse. This is one of the most essential requirements to qualify for an Individual 401 k retirement account.
  • Self-Employment Activity – The self-directed 401 k is a remarkable and ideal plan for self-employed individuals such as independent contractors and consultants. Moreover, you can still be a fulltime employee in one company but must prove your self-employment activity on the side.


Self Employed Pension Funding Real Estate Investment


Once you have established and set up a Solo 401k retirement account, you can maximize its full potentials to help you boost your retirement savings through real estate investment. For instance, you can utilize your retirement funds in acquiring primary or secondary properties, land, rental properties, and any viable and lucrative investments in the real estate industry. The best self employed pension is easily accessible without the consent of a custodian and this is what the Individual 401k has to offer with its Checkbook Control feature.


About Solo 401k Loan


You can also borrow 50% of your total retirement account value if you needed the money to pay off debts, bills, tuition, expenses, and any other purposes you deem necessary. The repayment term is on a quarterly basis with the most minimal interest rate. Not all plan providers offer this type of loan feature for the Solo 401k account thus it is important that you talk to and consult with the right provider particularly Sense Financial.


The best self employed pension will help you boost and multiply your money through a lucrative real estate investment. 

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