looking for Equity/Capital partner for two multi family developments in Silicon Valley, CA

Super active silicon valley has need for fill housing for 48000 new jobs being created in the next few years. needles to say housing supply is being met with huge demand. we have two small projects, fully entitled, shovel ready and need equity/capital as we operate as fee developers. total need is $12M plus for 22% leveraged returns

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Comment by James Rohner on August 6, 2012 at 6:57pm


If you will look me up on LinkedIn and then call me at 623-251-1185 , I would like to discuss you needs.


James Rohner

Comment by Kelsey Hill on August 6, 2012 at 10:19am

Do you have the executive summary for these projects?  I have a source that invests in CA projects and may definitely be interested if the projects are viable? 

Kelsey Hill



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