Hello Friends,

I am a private lender, and offer lending to real estate investors with experience in buying, fixing, and selling houses. I'm only interested in funding buy, fix, & re-sell deals (no rental properties) for single family houses and specialized in providing loans from the range of $10,000 to $10,000,000. From application to funding is withing 24 hours. Our loans are well insured and maximum security is our priority. We offer loans to individuals as well as organizations worldwide. We offer a loan for as low as 6% rate. If you have any questions that are not answered here, you may reach me at my email address below.

Heider Will Roberts

Views: 149


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Comment by Reginald Karney on March 1, 2016 at 3:00pm
I mean we have means of securing your loan
Comment by Art Jackson on February 28, 2016 at 2:07am

Heider Will Roberts.   want to know if you can explain the loans are well insured?  I have a deal that i'm looking for funding on.  It's a 3/1 single family house located in Spartanburg, SC.  I have it under contract for $16k.  It needs approx. $10k in rehab.  After the repairs are finished(30 days), we'll put it back on the market for $49,900.00.  The ARV appraisal came back at 60k but I think that's a little high to get rid of the property quickly.  My direct email address is art@jahllc.net if you would like to discuss this further.  I look forward to hearing back from you.  Thanks

Comment by Gary E. London, CPA on February 28, 2016 at 1:31am

Is your LTV% based on ARV? What are your loan parameters?

Comment by Danny Triplin on February 27, 2016 at 8:47pm
I would like to find out more about your investor funding. My name is Danny and I can be reach on this site or 3generationmanagement@gmail.com

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