What We Can Do
Single Family Investments Properties
Investment Condos
2-4 Multifamily Properties (Non Owner Occupied)
5+ Apartment Buildings
Mixed Use Properties (Owner Occupied commercial part or Non Owner Occupied)
Strip Malls
Office Buildings
Retail Stores
Automotive Services (No Gas stations)

All with:
No Income verification ( No Tax Returns )
3 year arms with 30 year notes, No Balloon Payments
70% LTVs (75% on 5 plus & mix use)
75% LTV on 1-4 units purchases with 700 fico!!!!!
No seasoning of money down, just sourcing
No cash out restrictions
A Minimum 650 Fico (Ability to drop bad credit borrower to qualify)
One upfront appraisal fee to get an approval ($600 for 1-4s & $1395 for everything else)
Loan amounts from 100k to 5 Million
48 hour underwrites, 24 hour condition clearing
Ability to sign in an LLC

Gregory Wade





Views: 86


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Comment by Gregory Wade on January 21, 2018 at 4:01pm


I have a few programs that me work for you, I will give you a call on Monday January 22, 2018 at about 11AM EST

Comment by Joseph Carollo on January 20, 2018 at 7:49pm

Hi Gregory,

  • I'm looking for a 70% or less LTV on a two family with four apartments generating $60,000 / year rental started among all units on about 1989
  • Taxes = $16K/year
  • Insurance = $1,200/year
  • Value of the home is $700K to $750K
  • What's owed = $300K due to a reverse mortgage and needs to be paid off.
  • Property location: Metro area of NYC 

Contact: 973.417.1538

Email: jcarollo@dhpinc.co



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