We are the, they, them, “those guys” Who can help you obtain the business, personal, or real estate Funding You Need!
Hello from Plan B Funding Options LLC
Our company name (Plan B) implies that most of the people who come to us have already tried to obtain funding from their local bank or other traditional finance companies and have been turned down in some cases they have been turned down several times.
Our long time funding partnerships with direct lenders who have their own billion dollar funds set aside to fund people in need of funding are not affected by the current inflation and interest rate problems that most banks are facing now. We also have partnerships with many private equity firms who are ready to fund your projects.
If you need funding just send us an email at info@planbfundingoptions.com
and explain your funding needs and then we will send you our required documents and instructions needed to move forward.
Perhaps you know someone who needs funding. We Pay Referral Fees!!! See this link to the page on our website that explains what it means for you!
If you’re (A) Plan for funding failed. Plan (B) Funding Options can help!
*Nationwide and Worldwide Funding.
Website: www.PlanBfundingOptions.com
Email: info@planbfundingoptions.com
Call Us: 949-682-9235 (California Office)
Or Alt : 786-600-1674 Miami, Florida
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