Overview: Forgivable loan (FL) is secured by a pledge of collateral, typically unencumbered assets/cash. Within this funding option, the loan is forgiven and the asset is transferred to the tax-exempt entity upon project, or project phase completion.

Qualifications: Minimum amount is 150MM USD not to exceed 500MM USD world wide.

Organizations with projects that can demonstrate substantial and sustainable social and economic gains from the implementation of their proposed project are invited to apply.

• Constructing affordable housing for elderly or disabled on fixed incomes;

• Implementing selective or high impact energy conservation projects;

• Developing and repairing Infrastructure in eligible areas;

• Constructing or refurbishing health care facilities to serve uninsured, under-insured or patients with special needs;

• Constructing or refurbishing cultural or educational/research facilities; and,

• Implementing technology projects in energy, security, communications, and supply-chain logistics

Contact us at ceo@changooandassociates.com

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