Hard Money Loans and construction financing up to 5,000,000 Nationwide

I have a fast and straightforward program for Hard Money and Construction loans Nationwide. Here are the basics:

Loan amounts: 100,000 to 5,000,000  Short and Long Term Mortgages Available. For the right project, we can complete construction financing in any of the lower 48 states. We also have any amazing program to help our clients purchase or refinance most types of commercial properties, with a special emphasis on multifamily and retail. This funding is hard money so the lending process is faster and more streamlined than typical bank lending.

Business and Working Capital Loans  100,000 to 1,500,000 

For more information or to be pre-approved for Commercial Real Estate Funding, just call or email me, Richard Milford. My contact information is below.

Email is milford@commercialmortgagecap.com and our website is www.commercialmortgagecap.com and our telephone is 541-632-3560

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Comment by Hanz Acosta on November 14, 2017 at 1:14pm
No upfront fees right?

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