Good News “High Rises LLC” Will Show You How To Unlock And Implement Strategies To Position You To Become A Top Realtor in the Commercial Arena



 Wouldn’t it be nice to have Access to a Larger, More Qualified, and Serious Buyer Pool? And Wouldn’t it be nice to Increase your listings with Sellers and have them sold in shorter time frames?


In Essence, Increasing Your Profitability year after year so you can reach your Personal Financial Goals, to create the life you’ve always desired for yourself and family.


 The Truth is this is not the case for most Commercial Realtors!!!


According to Market Research the Average Commercial Realtor does not reach their maximum potential not even their minimum as a Top Realtor. 

  • Why, because they tend to treat Commercial Buyers as they would a Traditional Residential Buyer, who is an Owner Occupant, as opposed to a Commercial Buyer, who is an Owner/Operator that is purchasing the Asset as a business, by playing The “Proof Of Funds” Game with the Commercial Buyer and Not Recognizing or Acknowleging that Commercial Real Estate is evaluated and Financed based on the Asset and not on the Buyer.


  • Leaving their Serious Buyers to be victims to the whims of Commercial Lenders, Hard Money Lenders and Brokers whose confirming and financing programs are Cookie Cutter, stringent and is mostly based on the buyers’ qualifications.


  • Not understanding that the Commercial Asset is evaluated based on the Actual Numbers and Not evaluated based on Performas and Comparables.


  • They tend not to comprehend what their buyers and Sellers are trying to accomplish.  In the Case of the buyers that buyers need factual numbers in order to make a wise decision as to if they are purchasing a failing or successful business and In the case of sellers, what they are trying to accomplish through the sale of the Asset.



 This is why Most Realtors are Unproductive and Never Reach their Full Potential!!!


Well, Here is How High Rises LLC is Different and Can Help You Reach Your Potential As a Top Realtor In Your Industry!!!!


We as Financiers understand how this can be frustrating. Because, we have been on both sides of the Arena as Buyers and Sellers having the same frustrating experience as most Buyers and Sellers do.


This is why We as Financiers have created Win-Win Solutions for Sellers, Buyers and Realtors just to meet these most common challenges.


Here is What having An Alliance with us as Financiers will do for you:

  •  We Will Professionally Underwrite, Structure and Approve for Financing All of your Commercial Listings Now and In the Future so that it will be a Win-Win Situation for the Seller and Buyer, so You the Realtor, will be seen as the Ultimate and Knowledgeable Professional that you are.


  • We will take into consideration when structuring the financing for the Asset the Sellers most pressing needs and what they buyer is trying to accomplish. 


  • This will put you MR AND MS REALTOR, in a Unique Value and Selling Proposition to both Sellers and Buyers.  Making Sellers more Eager to list with you and creating access to a larger buyer pool because you will be seen as a Top Leader in Your Industry.


  •  Last but not least, because of our position as Financiers, we have a large buyer pool that you will now have access to and if you sell any of your listings to our buyer pool, they will be an added bonus of a equity stake in the deal.


MR AND MS REALTOR,  If this is a Business Relationship and Business Alliance  that you would like to take the opportunity to take advantage of please feel free to contact me at the number below.


Denise Josephs
Financier/EVP of High Rises LLC
"We Help You Fund and Close More Deals When Others Can't"
Disclaimer: Sender is NOT a United States Securities Dealer or Broker or U.S. Investment Adviser. Sender is a Facilitator, Consultant and Advisor, and in some instances a Financier and/or Private Investor. This E-mail letter and the attached related documents are never to be considered a solicitation for any purpose in any form or content. Upon receipt of these documents, the Recipient hereby acknowledge this Disclaimer. If acknowledgement is not accepted, Recipient must return any and all documents in their original receipted condition to Sender. 


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Comment by Bruce Carver on January 7, 2014 at 9:23am

Can  you  send  me  more information to me   at  northwestrealestate@live.com    We  do  deals in northeastern Oregon  and  Washington states 

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